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Want to learn more about the Bible? Want to eat some dinner? Then look no further! Every Monday night the Bible study starts at 6pm and ends at 8pm. Come hang out with us!
Men and women's Bible study on Tuesdays from 9-10am. Come and discuss the Bible and we will even serve you breakfast! (A continental one in fact!)
The first Sunday of the month is a Bible study we call Deeper Life. The Bible was written for you, just not to you. It was written to the Hebrews and was meant to help them be a beacon of hope to the world. Funny thing about that, they think differently. The eastern reader is trained to look at things in a different way than someone like you and me in the western world. When we look at this gift from God through the different lens of eastern thought, new insights come alive! Join Pastor Wayne as he walks us through the text and teaches us to “learn what the Rabbi knows so we can do what the Rabbi does so we can be who the Rabbi is." That Rabbi we follow is Jesus!
The men’s group is called The Forge. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” We meet on the fourth Sunday while the women meet for The Well. Do you ever want to just talk to a guy about guy stuff? Do you ever want to let your guard down and just be you? Join us for Bible study on relevant topics to help you get sharpened and be the man that God intends you to be. A man who protects the widow, the orphan and the foreigner but can also cry at weddings…if you want to.
The Well is our ladies group at Gateway Branson. We regularly meet on the second and fourth Sunday month. It is a time of fellowship with other women and men aren't allowed! God sees you, regardless of where you are. God loves you, regardless of what you’ve done or what you’re doing. And just like the story of the Samaritan woman at The Well, we invite you to Come and See this Man who sees you!
If there is a fifth Sunday in the month, everyone is invited to enjoy Pizza and Praise! We turn the Gateways (our band) loose to sing songs to God, for God and about God. It’s an awesome time and you can sing or listen, stand or sit, join in or watch; whatever you do to praise. There will be a short 10-15 minute devotion from one of our pastors and, at some point, PIZZA! It’s a great time to hang out as a family because we encourage families to worship together.